Youth Education Day Program

Wellness starts outdoors.

Open to youth ages 7-12.

  • New heated classroom space added 2022, onsite Butterflyway garden, creek access with dock, bonfire pit, naturalized area and plenty of wildlife!

Units to include weather, habitat, mapping, Carolinian Zone native plants and wildlife, bushcraft, first aid, survival and more. Student lead curriculum changes according to season with set field trips every other week. 

Extra family events to include archery, canoe trips, camping, park clean ups, community service, movie nights, contests and more. 

A Wellness One16 wellness course project.

We also have teaching property rental options during the summer months. Contact via email for availability.

​At this time we are also welcoming other pods, clubs and community groups to connect, share and collaborate on our ongoing projects. We are excited to continue to grow our club with you! Our day program is currently full with a waiting list. Check out the volunteer page to help with gardening, clean ups and turtle rescues.

Turning 🐛’s into 🦋’s to save the 🌎

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I have been part of the Green Herons for 4 years. I like it because we hang out with animals and plants and fungus. I learned lots of new weird words like mycelium, taxonomy, and symbiosis. My favorite part is learning about the full moons and the calendar on the turtles carapace.

Dane, 10 years old

Rating: 5 out of 5.

My child has been coming to The Green Herons for several years now. She comes home with a head full of wild nature information! The Green Herons provides a safe space for the children to learn. Our child has special needs but you would never suspect it at forest school because of the way Lindsay includes everyone. Our child is happier and healthier since attending forest school. She has made friends, which turned into after school friends, which turned into birthday parties and camping trips. I cannot say enough about the way Lindsay teaches and how she gets down to the kids levels to find out how they learn individually and how she can help them reach their goals. The kids days are loaded with nature walks, identifying native species and learning about our native animals, all in a way that is fun so they retain the information. She holds graduation nights, which is special for the kids and they work on projects to present to the families. Sending our child to Lindsay’s was the best decision we’ve made as parents. Lindsay is such a special teacher, and truly and amazing human being. We are so glad that we found The Green Herons!

Ashley, Parent

Meet Linz.

Lindsay Currie has been chasing her kids through the woods since their arrival in 2013. After 15 years as a paramedic downtown Hamilton, she realized that helping her kids protect and revive Niagara’s ecosystem was where her and her family were meant to be.