GH: Blog Updates

Check out what The Green Herons have accomplished since 2020!

Together we must.

– Jane Goodall

  • 216 Pairs of Eclipse Glasses!!

    Congrats Green Herons!! Today we shipped back 216 pairs of eclipse glasses to avoid the landfill and help Latin America enjoy the next solar event. Thank you to everyone who helped to collect these glasses and keep them circulating the planet. ☀️ 🌍

  • Invasive Species Update

    This week wrapped up our invasive species ‘Stop the Sticky Bedstraw Bruh’ Grant. I think we have won this war…onto the next. For the past 2 years our kids have been involved with a grant project from the Invasive Species Center. They have pulled, tarped, soaked their arms in oatmeal, been stung, knocked down, and…

  • Plant Fest in 4 more sleeps!! There is no lack of excitement happening as we do our final prep for the big plant sale! We should have some quail babies to show off, some turtle babies to rescue and a whole lot of native plants will find new homes!! Check out the facebook event page for updates as we get…

  • Thank you Ed!!

    We would like to say a huge thank you to Ed Kwarta for all his work over the last 6 months with our kids. We don’t have a volunteer of the month – but if we did, he would get it EVERY month since we have found him. Ed, is up for helping no matter…


    We are happy to announce the release of our Earth Day video that will hit social media on Saturday. Our youth will be at the Pelham PATH Rally in Fonthill from 1-3 on Sat. April 20th spreading their important message and selling some cool swag to raise money for their greenhouse!! We hope to see…

  • Habitat Dock Launched!!

    Congratulations to Tuesday Crew who, with the help of the NPCA, launched their first turtle basking dock into 15 mile creek in a section that is lacking basking areas for turtles. They collected natural driftwoods as a topper, and have floated the dock on PVC pipes to make sure it stays afloat. Launch day was…


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