Invasive Species Update

This week wrapped up our invasive species ‘Stop the Sticky Bedstraw Bruh’ Grant. I think we have won this war…onto the next.

For the past 2 years our kids have been involved with a grant project from the Invasive Species Center. They have pulled, tarped, soaked their arms in oatmeal, been stung, knocked down, and got right back up.

Today I sit in line to leave the dump – 16 industrial sized garbage bags of invasive plants later (that’s 80kg!!!), and with 157 new native plants in place, we have completed phase 1 of our classroom remediation.

Congratulations to everyone and a big thank you to the Invasive Species Center for their support. It ended up being a 2 year long war on Sticky weed, Garlic Mustard, Dames Rocket, and of course the Mosquito. I am very confident that we have a won and as we continue to monitor this situation, our planet once again says THANK YOU GREEN HERONS!!! ❤️ Proud of you 🙂

The rewards have been plentiful!! Happy spring GH. We are getting it done.

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